2024 Spring District 2 - North
Venue: Harmar Soccer Fields

Venue Information
Venue: Harmar Soccer Fields
Address: 701 Freeport Rd
Cheswick, PA  15024-1205
View Map: Google Map
Web Site: https://maps.google.com/maps/place?ftid=0x88349485128a446b:0x68154908dc537353&q=701+Freeport+Rd,+Cheswick,+PA&hl=en&ved=0CA0Q-gswAA&sa=X&ei=Jj5gUeagLuiSxQHgm4DQCQ&sig2=tjijKQtLDLdvkdhfOJmepQ
Directions: From 28 North:
From 28 North, take Exit 12, Cheswick. Turn right onto Hite Rd. (West) for .4 miles. Turn left (South) onto Russellton Rd. for .6 miles. Continue south on Russellton which turns into Pearl Ave. for .5 miles. Turn right (West) onto Freeport Rd. for .3 miles. Arrive Harmar Twp. Hall, park in gravel lot behind the township hall.

From 28 South:
Take Rt. 28 to Exit 11 (Harmarville). Turn right (South) onto SR-910 for .2 miles. Get into the left lane at second traffic light. Turn left (East) onto Freeport Rd. for 1.0 miles. Arrive Harmar Twp. Hall. Park in the gravel lot behind the township hall.

From West:
Take the turnpike to Exit 5 (Allegheny Valley). Stay to the left and take the Cheswick ramp, which will tke you to Freeport Rd. Continue north on Freeport Rd. for .2 miles looking to your left for the Harmar Twp. Hall. Arrive at the Harmar Twp. Hall and park in the gravel lot behind the township hall.

Fields At This Venue
No Field Name Description Status Schedule
1 Harmar Soccer Front Field 11v11 OPEN Schedule